Tiny Spark was listed twice on Medium’s 21 Top Podcast Episodes for Global Thinkers:

Medium recommends:

Our interview with author Nina Munk critiquing Jeffrey Sachs’ Millennium Villages Project. Author Jaclyn Schiff writes: “Why listen? Just because one has a good plan to end extreme poverty and $100 million+ to execute it doesn’t mean it will work.”

Our interview with photojournalist Emily Troutman on international aid ethics. Schiff: “Why listen? The work might sound noble, but it certainly doesn’t make international development immune from scandal and corruption.”

Good Net

Also, Goodnet.org released its list of 8 Best Podcasts to Educate You on Your Commute. Tiny Spark earned a spot along with This American Life, RadioLab and TED Radio Hour.

Goodnet says, “Tiny Spark is the best podcast to pique the interest of the socially minded. Host Amy Costello is passionate about answering the question – how can we ‘do good’ in the world in the most effective way?”

The author recommends our interview with Nigerian-American journalist and author Dayo Olopade on her book “The Bright Continent: Rethinking Modern Africa.”